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Fade Laser Tattoo Removal are proud to offer laser tattoo removal, fading and editing (partial removal) in Redfern, Sydney. Fading and editing parts of a tattoo is particularly helpful with cover-ups, where full removal is not necessary and only part of the old tattoo needs to be treated to achieve the desired result.

Many tattoo artists prefer to do cover-up work on tattoos that have been lightened up with laser treatment as it gives you much more flexibility and choice in design and allows for much brighter colors for the new tattoo without the need for heavy black.

We use a Cynosure® RevLite Si which is the GOLD Standard in tattoo removal. This combined with years of experience in tattoo removal and working with a number of different tattoo studios across Sydney and around Australia, we can assure you will get the best advice, service and treatment.

Whether you are wanting to eventually get a cover up tattoo or wanting full removal, we can provide you with realistic and honest opinions of your situation. We will make sure you have the best possible outcome.

Our Technology

At Fade Laser Tattoo Removal we pride ourselves in using the highest quality equipment from CynoSure, one of the leading manufacturers in aesthetic lasers.

© 2022 by Fade Laser Tattoo Removal

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